Orchid Fertilizer and Treatment Recommendations
Chemicals and Fertilizer:
I'm often asked "What fertilizer do you use?" or "What do you use to treat or prevent fungus issues?" for my orchids. I figured I would compile a list of everything and link it for easy shopping.
Below are links to various recommended fertilizers and chemicals. I have or currently am using all of the below. The links are for your convenience, feel free to shop around if you want. The links are all from Amazon.
Please reference all Manufacturer instructions for proper dosage and treatment methods. No individual is responsible or liable for incorrect dosing, with exception of the user utilizing chemicals against manufacturer recommendations. Always follow the manufacturer recommended dosages and protect yourself with any applicable gear (ie goggles, long sleeve and pants, etc.)
Happy growing!
As needed topical antifungal and antibacterial applications:
These are best used after heavy rain or high humidity to stop fungus and bacteria. I also use these after I repot or mount an orchid to seal any wounds and prevent issues.
Do not mix Physan or Zeritol with any other ingredients, ever.
- Physan 20 16 oz or Physan 20 1 Gallon
- Manufacturer Link
- Use the Ortho Dial-n-Spray, Pump Sprayer, or Battery Sprayer
- Bacterial Diseases (Brown Rot and Soft Rot), Bacterial Brown Spot, Cercospora, Phyllostictina / Guignardia and Leaf spotting fungi.
- Can cause damage to open flowers or flower buds
- Zeritol HC 1 lbs
- Manufacturer Link
- Use the Ortho Dial-n-Spray, Pump Sprayer, or Battery Sprayer
- Broad-spectrum algaecide, bactericide and fungicide peroxyacetic formulated for the homeowner and hobby grower. It is a no residue sustainable chemistry that is proven to keep diseases such as Powdery Mildew, Botrytis and Pythium at bay. With no toxic residues and a 0-day preharvest interval, ZeroTol HC gives homeowners peace of mind as it is safe for people, pets and wildlife.
- Fine to spray on flowers or flower buds
Used weekly on a 4 week cycle. With a rotation of 3 times Grow then 1 time Bloom, then repeat. I use these at the full manufacture recommended strength.
SUPERthrive is added every other week at ½ strength (on the non CalMag week).
CalMag is added every other week at ½ strength (on the non SUPERthrive week)
- SUPERthrive 1 pt
- Manufacturer Link
- Great for producing lots of vigorous roots!
- CalMag 1 Gallon
- Helps to prevent cold and heat stress
- Makes your plants healthier and more resistant to various bacterial and fungal problems
- Ortho Dial and Spray - Do not use for the Cocktail
- CHAPIN 20002 2 Gallon Pump Sprayer - Affordable easy option for small to medium collections
- Ryobi 4 Gallon One + w/ battery or Ryobi 4 Gallon One + tool only - For medium to larger collections, super easy and convenient
- Ryobi 2 Gallon One + w/ battery - Ease and convenience for small to medium sized collections
- PetraTool 4 Gallon with battery - A different option for medium to large collections
Cocktail Ingredients:
The best way to treat a disease, fungus, or pest infestation is to avoid getting it in the first place. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! The cocktail is a preventative measure to keep all your orchids healthy and safe.
What is it? It’s a mixture that treats and prevents thrips/pests and funguses and works both topically and systemically. When should you use it? Use it for your outdoor plants only, every six to eight weeks. Use a pump or battery sprayer, not the Ortho Dial-n-Spray.
All ratios are per gallon.
• Orthene ½ TSP
• Banrot ½ TSP
• Spreader Sticker 1 TSP
• Dithane or Protec DF 1 TBS
Always protect yourself when using any chemicals. Work with the wind at your back and work front to back. Use a painter’s respirator (from 3M or similar), painter’s full outfit (with booties and hood) and nitrile gloves. All of which can be bought at Home Depot or online.
The day prior to applying The Cocktail it is recommended to not water. This ensures your plants are thirsty and absorb as much of the mixture as possible, part of the mixture is systemic. Apply it twice back to back just until you get run off from the roots. Do not water or use Physan for 24 hours after to avoid rising off the products.
- Banrot 2 lbs or Thiomyl
- Banrot Manufacturer Link
- Thiomyl Manufacturer Link
- A broad spectrum systemic fungicide (40% Wettable Powder) effective in controlling damping off root and stem rot diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium & Thielaviopsis.
- Southern Ag Dithane M-45 or Protect DF (not currently on Amazon)
- Manufacturer Link
- A topical treatment for leafspots, rust, botrytis, anthracnose, early and late blights, and downy mildew.
- Orthene
- Manufacturer Link
- Orthene Turf Tree & Ornamental Spray is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide that controls many different species of both sucking and chewing insect pests
- Spreader Sticker 16 oz or Spreader Sticker 1 Gallon
- Manufacturer Link
- Increases residual activity of sprays by preventing wash-off